Protected: LuckyDrawKustomfest

    Pekerjaan Job (required)


    Apakah anda pertama kali datang ke Kustomfest? Are you coming to Kustomfest for the first time? (required)

    Seberapa sering anda menghadiri sebuah acara dalam setahun? Konser, bazaar, kuliner, otomotif How often do you attend an event in a year? Concerts, bazaars, culinary, automotive (required)

    Darimana anda mengetahui KUSTOMFEST? How did you find out about KUSTOMFEST? (required)

    Media social apa yang sering anda gunakan? What social media do you often use? (required)

    Seberapa sering anda ganti mobil atau motor dalam setahun? How often do you change your car or motorcycle in a year?(required)